Monday, December 20, 2004

Pre-Christmas Monday, 20 December

Firstly, quick plug for the 2004/2005 Dundee Christmas & New Year bus guide - compiled by me! will get you a pdf or word version.

Anyway, this morning kind of saw everything falling into place. I got up, went to work, where the shoes I'd ordered were delivered to (as I've had problems with a certain courier company in the past, I decided not to give them any ammo!) Nice. Opened up the boxes in the loo... Tore the plastic wrapping a bit (two shoeboxes covered in blue poly wrap) but managed to keep enough on so it would hold both pairs together. They
look good.... But... We shall see. They are flat enough to wear to work i.e. not fetish material, but also slightly more femme than flat. I am not materialistic in the clothing, and surprisingly the other ones had lasted close to six months - an age on my feet! Anyway, take a look at the loafers with the 3inch back, or the other pair, which are more open with a buckle, 2inch back

Got home, two deliveries doorstepped for me. The main one was two boxes, each weighing 16 kilos, and both contain 1000 copies of the Dundee Christmas & New Year bus guide (see above!) Opened it up and had a look. They look really good on 100gsm paper!


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