Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Not your average rest day...

As I'd been off work on Monday, I'd missed out on the news. Having ran past newspaer billboards about call centre job fears, it was assumed one of our neighbours was under threat again.
I'd arranged to go into work for 1500, to discuss what I learnt yesterday. Whilst I was there, they asked if I'd had the briefing... basically, the campaign I am working on is about to be no more from early 2006. All staff will be offered something - pay and hours to be decided in time - but our colleagues in Derby and Exeter are losing more, because these centres will close completly.
This morning's Courier (note - this was inaccurate)
This evening's Tele (note - this was a little skewed, but better)
BBC (Derbyshire)
The Register
Personal mode on... whilst we've all been working v.hard for an un-named broadband provider - me for well over three years - and the last few weeks of "compliments" and telling us how well we've been doing... and it still didn't matter. Yesterday I told you the rule of genetics i.e. if it's genetic, you're f**ked. Now, the rule of any job - if someone can do the job cheaper than you *regardless of what you do, and where or when* then you're f**ked.
Just that I've now been technically f**ked twice in just over 24 hours... I'm having quite a good month....
Came out of work, was going up to Westgate Health Centre for 1750, but visited my mum in hospital first. In theory. I got a message on my voicemail as I left saying she'd been discharged... so after talking to someone I met again yesterday and then doing some bus spotting (the refurbishement job on the two ex-CCS Olympians now used as bus-coaches with Travel Greyhound is immaculate, btw), I then had twenty-odd minutes to sit because I was a little early... and then got seen last appointment, which I'd normally kill to get any other time. The last 14 of the day took me cross-town, but that was my last bus as I ended up getting a taxi after staying at my mum's until well after half midmight. Last hour or two was mostly spent discussing religion, gender, politics, and bits of my sex life...


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