Monday, January 16, 2006
... so that rounds off the birthday for this year, and in the end, just pretty much like any other day. Thanks to Paul for making me smile a few times ;-)
At work - well, in the side area catching up on blog stuff etc. that happened throughout the day. Interestingly, the planned moves (of our work to HCL Bangalore) and the transfer of staff (to other campaigns) is now on hold until April - I just found out this evening. Interesting... I can't say a lot more to it than that, but then this one (slightly old!) caught my eye!
The rest of my week...
Tuesday 17th - working (in place of Wednesday 18th)
Wednesday 18th - very short notice appointment (got it on Saturday!) at Sandyford
Thursday 19th - phsyc. appointment at Ninewells re test results from last month
Thursday 19th overnight - Megabus to London, fare £0.00
Friday 20th - have six and a bit hours in London, and come home (before I go spending money I don't have!) - fare £1.00. Arrive Dundee at 0040ish on Saturday 21st.
Saturday 21st - off, paid leave.
Sunday 22nd - off, RNDW (rest day not worked)
Monday 23rd - off, paid leave.
Tuesday 24th - off, RNDW (rest day not worked). Manchester Megatrip - £0.00 down, £4.00 up.
Wednesday 25th - back to work...
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