Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New Mega

Another new route is to be Service M20 – Inverness – Perth [Broxden] – Ferrytoll Park & Ride! – Edinburgh – Newcastle - Scotch Corner – Sheffield [Meadowhall] – Tibshelf Services – London! I kid you not, as this is the service that Stagecoach always said would never operate due to the road layout of the east coast road!

It’s going to operate through, but through tickets for passengers north of Ferrytoll to London will not be sold… you have to take this coach and change to the M9 at Ferrytoll, and get there an hour quicker… For the 12 hour trip to Inverness (with a fairly good chance you have another coach afterwards), an hour’s difference for one less change of coach could make more of a difference with so many pieces of luggage… oh wait a minute… the “TwoCases” brigade from Parks are here… :-) ;-)

(that story is for a Parks driver who was doing a duplicate 592, who parked his bus half-backed-off from Dundee Bus Stn Stance 1, to stop the whole bus station, just to tell the other driver of the service car that someone has two suitcases… from the days when it was disallowed…)


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