Saturday, October 14, 2006

What if dreams come true?

I got to sleep this morning, all ready packed and prepared for my day out – and a chance to get out the house. Just before I went to bed, got a message from a friend which called me “cutie pie” (thanks Rebel!), and naturally I melted at the sound of such a kind thought…

... and then I woke up just after half-four in the morning. I’d had a really weird dream – so much so that I had to stay awake for thirty minutes afterwards! Needless to say it involved a lot of people, as well as my special “transatlantic” person in my life. I won’t say any more, or you’ll never believe me… but "me & him" need to talk about it at some point. If the dream does come true, you lot will of course be the next to find out…


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