Monday, January 10, 2005

Groundhog Day

Does anyone remember a film from the early-mid 90's called Groundhog Day? I forget the name of the actor involved (I remember he also did Ghostbusters), but he woke up every day with the same day on constant loop for several weeks/months. It wasn't quite the same, but this morning just seemed to repeat on me, several times over. Some combination of a cold/congested nose also irritated my eyes a bit more than usual, making them very sore and red. For those who know/don't know Dundee, the doctors is about a mile or so uphill from work, and is on the other side of a ten-foot high fence to the block of flats I lived in Thurso Crescent, (Menzieshill) during the times I lived with my gran. So, I booked for the doctors this morning, and as I started at 1030 , I ideally wanted as early as possible - got 0950. Fine enough, so if it went straightforward I would be 30mins late (via the chemist) or on time (if chemist not needed)...
TD bus 140 on the 17 from West Marketgait to Charleston Drive, walk to the doctors down the hill. Got in, got seen fairly promptly, good enough, all going to plan. Got a prescription for two items to resolve the problem over the course of this week. Fair enough. Also got a repeat prescription for some others, and because one of the main medication I am on for other medical problems has gone up from one to three a day, the quantity given as adjusted from 30 to 168. So, repeats for all the rest, to see me through to the end of the month. Walked up the hill (made mental note to use the pavement next time, as these heels have good ditch-digging capbilities in soft mud...), then TD bus 15 on the 22C from Ninewells to Orleans Shops. On the way into the chemist, I sign the back of the prescriptions (the wind has already blown away a till receipt from earlier in the day), before I realise the main item is not there.... I put in the prescriptions, and get told 20mins. Fine, so I think there can be a plan here. I go next door to the bakery for breakfast (note I'd been running on empty since 0700!) before walking back down via Earn Crescent to Charleston Drive, and the docs. Again.
Went back to the 2nd receptionist (during the morning and lunchtime "peak" a 2nd receptionist sits in the waiting area, and welcomes everyone in for a 2nd time as well as doing repeat prescription enveloping), and explained what had happened. The doctor in question signed a script for the missing item, and I then clambered back up the hill, 2nd time, for a bus back to the Chemist. As I'd had a Daysaver, and the 22/22C is every 7-8mins, it wasn't much time wasted. I the strong winds, it was probably time saved. I think...
Anyway... no Gemini this time, but TD bus 179 on the 22 to Orleans Shops. So I went in the Chemist.... and the steroid tablets I was due five days of (to rid my eyes of the red irritation) was out of stock, and would be for several weeks - manufacturers problem. In the meantime, I took the rest and then back-ordered the balance. It was close to 1100, so I walked down to Spey Drive Shops (Alldays, and Esposito's before that - but now known as a Co-Op Local), and get the 10X to work. TD Bus 162 from Charleston Drive Co-Op to Explorer Road/Luna Place hail & ride zone.
As I get off the bus, I realise the hail & ride irony - there is no pavement on the side of the road where the buses drop off and pick up - apart from a small placing strip - so the rest is mud/grass. Aargh. It's 1115ish now, so I will be starting work at 1130. Before going upstairs, I stop at the phone, and call the Doctor in question. She's agreed to give me another prescription for a smaller dose, take more of them (10 x 5mg tabs in one go, for five days). OK, but I decided to bite the bullet for work.
Went upstairs - the boss was discussing ideas for a few minutes before I got a moment to ask for a favour. I asked to break my time & then go now/later... but there was a bus up the hill soonish, so we agreed I'd go for that. Strathtay 308 on the 54 from Apollo Way bus shelter to Charleston Drive. Running a few minutes late (did you know the 54 is now 3.48 miles longer heading to Dundee than it is heading for Perth?...) 50p fare on top of the £2.30 I'd paid for the TD daysaver.
Went to the doctors, got the prescription - for those keeping count, this was my third visit of the day - and then clambered up the hill. All things considered, I love them really..... This had been their first error since they sent away a sample of mine for anaylsis last year, thought it was lost, asked me to come back, but when I checked, they'd got the results back - and had done before they called me. Never mind... like I say, it's the occasional problem, that is made easier by them being in relative close proximity to a chemist, and to my work. If it was the other side of town, I'd be really upset. Anyway, I digress again....
There was a 22 sat at Ninewells just turned its indicators off - so the driver would be away to use the facilities, and was due away three minutes later... so, went for that. TD bus 177 on the 22C from Ninewells to Orleans Place. Chemist visit again, counter assistant recognised me and the script straight away... took one look at it, then said "Oh they've given you......." and then stopped, as if to say they thought they'd given me two scripts for unfindable medication. They made the stuff up for me on the spot, giving me enough time to walk round to Spey Drive Shops for the 10X to work around 1240. However, the 54 back to Perth was early, running before the 10X which was a little late - so I boarded the 54 for the return. Another 50p down, but never mind. Strathtay 308 on 54 from Spey Drive Shops to Explorer Road. As we swung round the corner into Spey Drive, the 10X is right behind us........... The driver managed to drop me right on the manhole, so no muddy footfall... but the spring action doors on Dart 308 were better on the "high" side of the split step...
So, started work for 1300. Work was good. Two girls and a guy commented that I'd lost weight. I'd not, it was apparently just the look of the new trousers (see Saturday's post for when I bought them). Black, long, with sparkly glittery vertical stripes. So that was a nice unexpected bonus - especially as anything was better than the pair of jeans with the black ink mark in the pocket........
Worked till 1930, and relatively easy ride home on Volvo B6LE 164... yes, the time was right, it was on the 29 from Tech Park to Courthouse Square. When a 9X/10X branded bus turns up on the 29's evening extension to the Technology Park, it doesn't half confuse some of the punters... 164 started to struggle going along South Road - I'd thought this had been repowered. We shall see. (The rest of the run was no problem for 164...)


At 7:21 pm, Blogger Briseide said...

The name of the actor is Bill Murrey ^____^


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