Friday, February 04, 2005

Half Day Friday

Friday - another half day. But before I could get this one over and done with, slight matter of an investigation into why I had been AWOL'd last Friday - when I thought I was off, and had requested the day off, but susbequently was marked AWOL and not paid. The interesting thing was, there were also two MORE awol's pending in my name - from November! I still had the days pages in my organiser - one was for a day when I was at Ninewells the whole day, and the other was for a day when I was in (late start recorded due to a 0900 hospital appointment!) and was paid for it! Meeting was adjourned until Monday, not necessarily for a conclusion.... So, for now, I live to fight another day. But ended up leaving my diary in the drawer at work, so headed back to work for it, then back to town... Then, hit the shops around the Perth Road, and got a few bits and pieces for myself, and headed for home.


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