Sunday, March 13, 2005

Now we all know...

... According to Eve Magazine...
Why do men button up to the right, and women to the left?
"It dates back to a time when gentlemen carried swords" says Sean Dixon, of Saville Row tailors Richard James. "The swords were usually worn on the left hip, so, to access the swords with their right hand, men would have to undo their coat first with their left. This saved time and made the whole process relatively smooth. The reason it's the other way round for women is because, when breast-feeding, women would use their right hand to do the unbuttoning, while holding the baby in their left".
I've been wondering about this for years, and no-one else I asked knew. Mind you, I can't see myself taking my morning shortcut through the Overgate carrying a sword, as I don't look enough like Xena or Buffy to get off with it without getting arrested. This side of a medical miracle, I don't see myself breast feeding either... but now we all know.


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