Friday, July 08, 2005

The morning after...

Now it's happened, and there is no getting away from it. The city in which I used to live, and the system on which I used to work, has lost some fine people, taken from us at the hands of the terrorists. After last night's post, I went for a lie-down for a bit, and spoke to a friend from NY, who remembers what happened when the terrorists bombed the US in 2001. Jay, once again honey, you were wonderful ;-)

In a mix of curiosity, concern, and being half-asleep, I've booked for tonight's Megabus (I've not got time to get a booking on NatEx, and there web doesn't do my plastic), to head down to see what I can see. I'm not going for a gore-fest - forty eight hours on that should be obvious - but hopefully the day can work out well.

As a result, Saturday's semi-planned expedition to Fife, some TITP stuff, Kinross, and the "new" Fife 204 (now extended to run Vane Farm - Kinross - Dollar) will need to wait. I've got about a year for the latter, and one of those Wednesdays or Saturdays I am sure I will be off.

This morning started weirdly enough. Had to go via the Doctors on the way to work, to attempt to pick up a medical report part two... long story... suffice to say, mobile outed and a conference ensuing in the background between me, the docs, and the agency... never mind... while waiting for a few moments, popped to the loo and was severly ill... I hope that is a one-off... Should I mention it? Nah, lets wait and see.

Friday night we had 50136, and the duplicate was 50128, which ran from Perth (Broxden) to London, not Glasgow. The "luggage enforcer" (who is apparently called Donald) did well in turfing four people off the bus for being drunk, but they would have never have been caught if they had not ignored the instructions not to leave the bus... it was for security, see... We left Glasgow 45 minutes late. Anyway, if you can sleep, night night! (I was actually asleep before the border).


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