Friday, March 24, 2006

Customers this week...

I don't know what's up, it's not even a full moon this week. Obviously, I cannot go into details, but these calls are now common knowledge around most of the call centre (up to 700 staff), so it's just as good as public news.

On Monday, a customer said they were to write to the Manchester Evening News about us... so, I bought one the following day when I was down. No sign of us! No complaints! Nothing! I want compensation... I want my 35p back... honest, I'm out of pocket as a result...

On Wednesday, I had one excellent call from a customer who'd been cut off too many times, and naturally called just after billing are shut. After various lies, he topped it off with "I can get 2mb broadband - for a year - for free - this evening.." and I said "You can? Well, you've got our number... get me one too, and phone us back..." and terminated the call. Well, I was taking the p155, but he started it... he never did call back.

On Thursday, I helped a customer with Mac OS9 (remember that?) and got her online in around 8 minutes. After she asked my name again, she said "Oh, would you like to come and live with me?" And I bet she won't call back either...

Familiarity breeds contempt - perhaps, but it's funny sometimes.


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