Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thursday at the Doctors...

... it's another "all day every day" week - and it's going to be like that for a while yet!
My doctor's surgery has recently merged with it's other half (it used to be three thirds) - into one, Westgate Medical Practice. On the first occasion I called about getting an appointment, I was told that all the systems were down, and that they didn't have anything until next week anyway. I then tried another time, returning their call (as I was asked to on my voicemail), and was told "oh, whoever was trying to tet you will call you back" - despite it being a few days later! Then, I got the usual circular letter (turns out they had sent out 200+) and got offered one in a month. I asked for a more general appointment, and got one this morning. Remember back to July, when John at Sandyford was writing to my GP re the prescription of the anti-androgens (and of course being me, I couldn't recall what they were called). Well, after discussion, finally got the script, along with a few other things I needed. Cyproterone Acetate (50mg) it's called, and comes with a list of side-effects only one-third the length of the Premarin (estrogen).
When up at Ninewells, got a picture of the work going on to create/extend the "neuclear bunker" at the side of Ninewells Hospital. This is the work that is preventing bus services 13/14 from passing this location, as well as preventing access to the Accident & Emergency department from Charleston Drive. I now understand (as it has just started) that this work will carry on for up to this time next year...
Then, into Perth Road (chemist) then to work, then home. Tommorrow will be a bit more fun.


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