Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hellish Saturday

Town, shops, back home, bus to work. I sort of had feelings - as I think we always do - about looking forward to home-time. These feelings were helped when we went up Ninewells Avenue on the 13, using Solo (47)259, and the bus started to waddle across the road... apparently the driver's electrics went, causing a problem with the power steering (i.e. there was none), and everything else derived from the power. You'd think this might be a hint?

I got to work. I started taking calls. About an hour and a quarter into my shift, and I had a problem which I could sort of understand (why some staff wouldn’t understand it), but as far as I was aware, there was no “temporary fault” type reason for this happening. I had to wait nearly 5minutes for assistance on one call, and went back to the customer and got screamed at.

Next I knew, I'd "frozen" over my pc for about 20 minutes. Next thing I remember was someone telling me I'd been crying over my pc for well over half an hour, and asking me to go off and take a break. I did so, but was still unable to return to calls after the rest, so I ended up being sent/going home with approval just before 1600. I almost felt that, despite being there nearly four years, I couldn't do anything...

… so, I got home. Time for a bit of a kip before looking around on what happened. There are many things that could have caused this – but all the factors combined into one. I spoke to several friends when I got online, and some thought I’d gone back to work too early… you know when you think you know your own mind? Maybe it's time for a new job after nearly four years, and while there have been a huge number of procedural and system changes at work this year, I must thank the two on-duty team managers (they changed around at 1500) who were on today, as you looked after me rather well, when I really didn’t know what had hit me. Thanks again, and I hope to see you all again soon.


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