Thursday, November 30, 2006

End the month on a high

For what had became a "non-stop November" - yes I do like saying that... wasn't it better to be that way than how I had October? I headed to Ninewells, for my six medical appointment in the last 31 days, and another visit to Speech & Language Therapy. I'd been busy in the last week, but still had time to give it a shot. Sally then discussed the "success" of last week, pointing out that it was the first time she'd came in on a student in fifteen years! As the discussion went on, it also turns out I'm the youngest transwoman (27, 28 in January) she's taught, as all the rest have been at least in their thirties. Progress was not as spectacular as last week, but I will keep at it. I got out of there a little later than last week, and missed out on a 9x bus (to take me down to work) by a few minutes (it had left, next one 14 minutes, with a 13 in the middle). With the improved timetable, it is quicker to wait for a bus than to walk (usually...) a walk would take me about 20 minutes, if feet and shoes are behaving!

So, made it to work, and was meant to be on 1500-2300 tonight. In the end, 1515-2300. Not bad though, given everything that I'd achieved this month, that I'd only lost fifteen minutes of work time to do it!

Work went ok, but is getting noticeably quieter... this usually happens when the "Christmas party season" kicks in... did have a couple of customers call who had information that the public should not normally have, and referred to departments which I didn't realise existed! (as they called the wrong number, that's perhaps why I didn't know what they were on about!) I kind of get the feeling something is happening - beyond what's going on tomorrow. That is (now that it should be public knowledge i.e. on the company website!) Order Management will now be open from 0700 (or 0730, not sure) to 2200 Mon-Sat and 0900-1800 Sunday. These represent improved opening hours versus 0800 to 1800 (Business) or 2000 (Home) Mon-Fri, and 0800-1300 Saturdays. There have been various changes further up the ordering chain that mean departments that used to be closed at these times, are now open, meaning it is worthwhile them being there!


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