Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My morning (depending on your time zone!)

I got up… went back to bed till 12ish… (my time) this was after I called to double-check my hospital appointment today – thought it was at 1400 – but it’s at 1600, so I went back to bed until after 1200. So why did I do that? Well, it’s 12 noon my time… meaning it’s 0700 over there for the “birthday boy”… and he’s quiet at work so far, so that’s good… plenty time for us to talk… and reminisce about the last four years… before getting ready to rush out the door… well, these days only come once a year… and he said thank you for all those “sweet things” I said about him. Like everything else I write here, they were true, and came from the heart (unless I copied and pasted – which I didn’t). He did wish me good luck for this afternoon… not sure if luck comes into it, but if you hope things cannot get worse than they are, well it’s a nice idea… as well as being traditional for almost every other hospital appointment that anyone has...


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