Friday, May 26, 2006
No easy questions here, with TWO PAGES of questions that the seller received, and his replies to them, about his car for sale. Some of my favourites are a reply to someone who thought he was her ex-husband from Arbroath, and "the very kind gent (Donald) who offered me a weekend with his wife (and him it would appear) I have a special message for you. The pictures you sent me of your wife did not, in all honesty help. Some of them looked more like a traffic accident than something that I might remotely find alluring. I am sure that if you set up your own website (assuming that it's not illegal) there will be plenty of sad sacks (many from ebay land going by this experience) who will indulge your (and your wifes) desires…, and finally… "For the 34 people who are interested in the tyres. Firstly I am sure that your interest in rubber I can't be bothered, I'm sure Donald and his wife would like to meet you (see above)…" and many more besides, including a discussion with Bob about cup holders…
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