Monday, January 29, 2007

Miss Monday Night... is back!

OK, so why did I say that? When I was on rota - the "original" rotas we had i.e. when there were a fair mix of early, late and weekends in everyone's pattern, and not just leaving Saturday night to those like me - I was frequently on this pattern. I'd often swap them, especially for 0700-0800ish starts. Indeed, "three till eleven" was the first shift I worked on the floor, after training. The rota changes over the years have taken away a lot of the "fun" of the old patterns, I feel... and as you may have noticed from my previous posts, I am in today, from 1500!

I tried to sleep as long as I could... knowing that that extra hour on the end of my shift would make all the difference. I slept almost till lunchtime - 1145ish when I finally sat up in bed, and about 15 minutes later till I left the bedroom... well, because I could...

Got to work, and after a brief discussion, confirmed that I am working the full 1500-2300 Monday-Friday shift (that's 40 hours total spread, 37.5 hours paid, 35 hours worked). Until now, for the last year and a half, I've had 36 hours spread, 34 paid, 32 worked. If that's too much information for you, then let me explain it (the terms are mine, and not those of the company). "Spread" is the total compass of work i.e. start to finish, sign-on to sign-off, whatever you want to call it. Paid is the number of hours I get paid. Hours worked is the hours I take calls (or for now, answer emails). Why are they different? Our middle (lunch) break is unpaid, but two shorter breaks per day are paid. You do the math(s).

Today - eight hours of the email team, and it was good. It still felt weird, heading for the shower at the time I'd been used to starting work... and still having plenty time to make it in the door! One of the people from my original training group is doing the same thing - he is the only one left! - but he is off today, in tomorrow.



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