Thursday, February 22, 2007

Challenge Suzy

Well... what can I say?

I left the house in plenty time, made it to the bus shelter "West Marketgait opp Police Station" (i.e. round the corner from the flat) for 1345... 17 towards Ninewells Hospital bus leaves the city centre stop 1351, due there 1355. It didn't show up on the real time bus tracker displays - well, booked time only i.e. it's not found it in space or on earth! Just after 1400, I am assuming that the bus has been cut - I've to get to Westgate (doctors) for 1420, and the next bus isn't due until 1415 (showing on realtime as being due in 18 minutes). My appointment is 1420, so I start walking - in the rain - to Westport, for a 22/22C.

400 yards down West Marketgait, and the 17 Ninewells starts passing... in service, with a well-established driver! How did that happen - and how come it was never tracked on the display? About the only way I think this could happen was if the driver coming off peddled like hell down to town, got in early, and the replacement was late - but the bus would need to have been abandoned for 15 minutes for that to happen! I continued the 50 or so yards around the corner, and get a 22 instead - we get to the end of the doctors road for 1418, as per the drivers ticket machine! And they wonder why I think that could do with a car, eh?

Got to the doctors, not a lot to say. This was a follow-up to that from two weeks ago. Got given an anxiety survey to complete - no question of "Does filling in forms make you anxious?" but you get the idea. Turns out the letter from Dr Ewan at Sandyford (see here) has now arrived, and the doctor sent the prescriptions that I have been waiting on (Finasteride and Duphaston) down to Boots chemist in town (without telling me).... I was told to come back in a month, and in the meantime, I have enough time to go straight around to work, or I could proceed to the chemist and pick up my pills... otherwise I may not get the chance tomorrow, and of course the longer I'm on the Provera, it does technically continue the potential for depression!

So, took the 9x/10x (first bus that came along) - and stayed on past work, headed back to the city centre. Got the pills, and then the 9x back to work, passing the docs. Got in for 1545, saw not my own boss but one of the others (the boss is around the corner). I got in for 15345, got give the desk/chair of someone due to finish at 1600. They had a long running call to 1617, and thus I didn't get signed in for a bit afterwards at 1625. Got moved down the middle (keep us all together in the evenings) exactly two hours later! (1825)!

It was a varied day. The first challenge was the wind, rain, and the time being against me. That was passed - only just! I managed to get from the bus stop (1418) via the consultation, survey filled in, booked another appointment, made it to the bus stop, 9x boarded, quick food and drink purchases in town, queue in chemist, get everything I was waiting on, get bus back, and arrive at work at 1538 - eighty minutes exactly! Naturally, finally getting the "revised" allocation of pills was good. Duphaston is a direct replacement for the Provera (both artificial forms of progesterone), but the former is less likely to cause depression. I stopped taking the Androcur some five or six weeks ago - and the Finasteride is a similar replacement. Again, this is less likely to cause depression. On the TS groups, almost everyone who was on Androcur (or cyperetone acetate) reported some kind of upset. I had seen the packaging of the Finasteride before, which is probably just as well, given the "health warning" on the base of the packet!

So, feeling good, and ready for my Friday ahead!

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