Thursday, August 31, 2006

Looking down on the City

The new board is taking off a storm! I'm kind of glad to be a part of it! Although I've been "helping out" with assorted smf technical issues (I've been running SMF boards of my own for well over a year, and helping with other boards for another year), and other permissions issues etc., I will be "taking part" soon enough! They all appear to be having fun, and with up to 200 new posts to read a day, there's plenty for everyone. They've also started a "blogs" board, for those members to explain what they are doing in their own life. Seems to be a good idea, might try it on my own.

Today was also an early start, but today was slightly more sane! Visit to Dundee City Council (floor 16 IIRC, which is near the top of Tayside House - hence the title!), as they'd asked me to take a critical eye over their route map and stop plans for the city centre bus stop boards. Turns out there will be a conference coming to the city, and they don't want all the other council area officials (those who didn't get so much money in the handouts!) picking holes in their work! Then the day job, and then home, and then more smf help!


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